Unique Injectable Properties of VitroGel®

From hydrogel to soft hydrogel back to hydrogel, the VitroGel® hydrogel system has unique shear-thinning and rapid recovery rheological properties for long-term injectable status ideal for animal injection, bioprinting, droplet formation, and lab automation.

Stable Soft Hydrogel

A stable soft hydrogel forms once VitroGel® solution mixed with cell medium or buffer like PBS. The hydrogel mixture maintains a long injectable status.

Gel-Sol Transition

A gel-sol transition happens when the soft hydrogel is subjected to a mechanical shearing force (e.g., injection or pipetting), causing the mixture to become free-flowing..

Rapid Hydrogel Recovery

Rapid hydrogel status recovery with a sol-gel transition once the shearing force ceases, restoring its mechanical strength and becoming hydrogel again.

The rheological data shows the shear-thinning and rapid rheological property of VitroGel®

Extremely smooth injectability for versatile applications

With the unique injectable property and above features, VitroGel® can be used for in vivo cells/drug delivery with excellent retention, bioprinting, droplet formation, and laboratory automation.

Animal Injection

VitroGel® is ideal for animal injection due to its injectability, biocompatibility, consistent viscosity, and mechanical properties that ensure smooth and reproducible injections. Its xeno-free composition reduces immune reactions and mimics the natural extracellular matrix to support cell growth and viability. ​

​With its unique injectable property, cells or compounds can be pre-mixed with VitroGel® and maintained as a homogeneous mixture in the injectable state for in vivo applications.

“The VitroGel® worked extremely well and was very smooth to work with as opposed to the Matrigel. Upon observation today, the “tumor only” and “tumor and Matrigel” mice appear to have darkening and bruising at the injection site, where the “tumor and VitroGel®” and “tumor, VitroGel® and cisplatin” do not have any darkening or bruising at the injection sites.”

Source: Patient-Derived Xenograft Using Xeno-Free VitroGel® System in Comparison to Animal-based Matrigel


VitroINK® – A New Generation of Bioinks

VitroINK®  is ideal for bioprinting due to its tunable viscosity and mechanical properties, which ensure precise and consistent extrusion through bioprinter nozzles, allowing for the creation of intricate and stable 3D structures.

Its biocompatible, xeno-free composition supports cell viability and proliferation, essential for producing functional tissue constructs. Additionally,  VitroINK® bioinks are room temperature stable, making them much easier to handle. Cells can be either pre-mixed or mixed directly with the bioink by using a dual syringe system. Multiple biological functional components can be incorporated with VitroINK® for different applications.

Works with any
extrusion-based bioprinter

The unique mixing device ensures no air bubble when mixing cells with VitroINK®

Excellent extrusion uniformity and shape fidelity

Bio-functional formulation for cell-matrix interactions

High cell viability after printing

Supports FRESH printing

Droplet Formation

VitroGel® hydrogel is ideal for droplet formation because its unique hydrogel properties enable precise control over gelation, allowing it to form stable and uniform droplets.

The hydrogel’s mechanical characteristics can be finely tuned, ensuring consistency and reproducibility in droplet size and shape. Additionally, its biocompatible and xeno-free composition supports the encapsulation and viability of cells or biomolecules within the droplets, making it suitable for various applications, including 3D cell culture, drug screening, and regenerative medicine.

Crosslink with cell medium, oil is not required

Easy Setup – work w/ or w/o microfluidic chips

MSC 3D Culture Scale-up
Bead Droplet Method

Tunable hydrogel for adjustable droplet size and shape

High cell viability and easy cell harvesting

Lab Automation

VitroGel® hydrogel is room temperature stable, and its unique shear-thinning and rapid recovery rheological properties allow for easy dispensing in laboratory automation and high throughput applications.

VitroGel® works with all types of lab automation equipment

multiple-channel pipette​

liquid handling machine​

Fully automated
liquid handling system​​

Microarray: non-contact
dispensing system​

​VitroPrime™ Spread-Attach Plate: excellent for hydrogel lab automation​