Author Archives: Lauren Sweeney

Cell Line-Derived Xenograft Using Xeno-Free VitroGel System in Comparison to Animal-based Extracellular Matrix

Introduction Cancer progression is highly individualized. The mechanism is specific to each animal species, making oncology research one of the most challenging areas in biosciences. Recent advances that focus on the individualized nature of disease progression have been very promising; for example, Patient-Derived Xenografts (PDX) models, in which immunodeficient animals have human-derived tumor tissues embedded […]

A “Knockout” Antibody for White Blood Cell Studies

Institutions: University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands Team: Olofsen, P.A., Stip, M.C., Marco Jansen, J.H., Chan, C., Nederend, M., Tieland, R.G., Tsioumpekou, M., and Leusen, J.H.W. Disease Model: Cancer Hydrogel: VitroGel® Hydrogel Matrix Neutrophils can be incapacitated with a new antibody, injected into mice with the help of VitroGel Hydrogel Matrix, and then assayed for […]

Cells: Prepare Yourself to Make Cartilage

Institutions:IRCCS Instituto Orthopedico Rizzoli, Bologna, Italy Team:Gabusi, E., Lenzi, E., Manferdini, C., Dolzani, P., Columbaro, M., Saleh, Y., and Lisignoli, G. Disease Model:Osteoarthritis Hydrogel:VitroGel® RGD Stem cells embedded in VitroGel Hydrogel 3G RGD matrix can display autophagy, allowing a critical examination of this process in the differentiation into healthy chondrocytes. When a cell starts to […]

Hydrogels and Light – A powerful Anticancer Duo

  Institutions:Shanghai Key Laboratory of Regulatory Biology and Tongji University, China Team:Yu, Y., Wu, X., Wang, M., Liu, W., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Hu, Z., Zhou, X., Jiang, Q., Cai, F., and Ye, H. Disease Model:Melanoma Hydrogel:VitroGel® 3D Engineered light-activated cytokine delivering cells can be encapsulated in VitroGel hydrogel for more efficient delivery to tissues […]

VitroGel Hydrogel as a Nurturing Matrix for Healing the Uterus

Institutions: Hospital of China Medical University and Key Laboratory of Reproductive Dysfunction Diseases and Fertility Remodeling, China Team: Hao, X., Zhang, S., Li, P., Huang, J., Yuan, Z., and Tan, J. Disease Model: Intrauterine adhesions Hydrogel: VitroGel® RGD The VitroGel RDG hydrogel matrix can assist in delivering mesenchymal stem cells to treat intrauterine adhesions and […]

Turn Me Off, Please!

Institutions: Guangzhou Medical University, China Team: Yang, F.M., Shen, L., Fan, D.D., Bai, Y., Li, B., and Lee, J. Disease Model: Inflammation Hydrogel: VitroGel® 3D Cells grown in 3D cell culture reveal how the inflammation pathway works, and what possible new protein variants can be designed to suppress TNF-induced inflammation. Inflammation, be it chronic or […]

The Sweet Spot for Liver Cell Culture

Institutions:National Institute for Nutrition and Health, China Team:Wang, J.B., Qin, W., Yang, Z., Ma, Y., Wang, L.Y., Zhou, Q., Gong, Z.L., Huo, J.S., and Chen, C. Disease Model:Liver Disease Hydrogel:VitroGel® RGD A rigorous statistical analysis of 3D cell culture conditions allowed researchers to fine-tune the optimal dilution, time, and starting cell concentration values for liver […]

Xeno-Free Angiogenesis Cell Models Using the VitroGel System

Introduction Angiogenesis, or the process of new blood vessel formation by sprouting from the pre-existing vasculature, plays a significant role in physiological and pathological processes, such as tumor growth or inflammation. The angiogenic microenvironment is critical in developing therapies for these pathologies, as endothelial cells can shift from quiescent to angiogenic states, leading to migration […]

Automated Dispensing, Monitoring, and Assay Development of Hydrogel-based 3D Cellular Models

In this work we used VitroGel® matrix for printing 3D cell structures with cells in 96-well format. VitroGel from TheWell Bioscience is a tunable, xeno-free (animal origin-free) bio-functional hydrogel system that allows maximum flexibility to manipulate the 3D cell culture environment. It is temperature-independent and an excellent alternative to animal-based extracellular matrices (ECM), like Matrigel, […]