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Hydrogel / Cell Preparation
- How do I prepare the cell suspension to mix with the hydrogel? Should I add serum?
- How do I adjust the hydrogel formation time?
- How fast should I transfer the sample from the mixing tube to the culture plate?
- When the mixture of the cells and the VitroGel® is left to stabilize at room temperature before the injection, will the suspension cells sink to the bottom of the tube?
Analysis (Image, DNA/RNA, Protein, etc)
- Is VitroGel® compatible with staining and immunofluorescence protocols for confocal microscopy or other imaging technologies?
- What is the concept behind the Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit co-stain?
- How long can fluorescence of Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit be maintained when 2D or 3D cells are cultured with this product? Is it possible to observe the fluorescence for days without any cytotoxic effect?
- Is there a threshold or limitation for the cell confluency for the Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit?
3D Cell Models & Functional Assays
- Can VitroGel® be used for both 3D culture and 2D hydrogel coating? Which culture method should I choose?
- How can I use VitroGel® for co-culture or sandwich culture (layer by layer)?
- How long before spheroid formation takes place in hydrogel?
- Is it possible to cover cell spheroids with VitroGel® and apply differentiation media on top?
Injectable Hydrogel / In Vivo
- What is the injection volume of VitroGel®?
- What is the recommended number of cells for VitroGel® injection?
- How can I decide the mixing ratio between ready-to-use hydrogel solution and cell suspension while preparing samples for xenograft application?
- Do I need to keep the VitroGel®-Cell mixture in an ice bucket?