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Analysis (Image, DNA/RNA, Protein, etc)
- Is VitroGel® compatible with staining and immunofluorescence protocols for confocal microscopy or other imaging technologies?
- What is the concept behind the Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit co-stain?
- How long can fluorescence of Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit be maintained when 2D or 3D cells are cultured with this product? Is it possible to observe the fluorescence for days without any cytotoxic effect?
- Is there a threshold or limitation for the cell confluency for the Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit?
- Can Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit be used in other matrices such as Matrigel? Can it be used for other applications other than hydrogel based 3D cell culture?
- Will Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit affect cell growth if cells are repeatedly labeled multiple times?
- Is a final washing step required when using Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit with VitroGel®?
- Can Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit be used for organoids?
- What is the best technique to score the viability in intact 3D spheres? Can Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit be used in fixed cells too or it has to be live spheroids only?
- Is it possible to fix cells inside the hydrogel with PFA and perform immunolabelling?
- Can I co-stain invasive cells with crystal violet and DAPI?
- How to image hydrogel within the cell culture insert?
- Is it possible to use nuclear staining agents to visualize cell invasion instead of crystal violet?
- Can I do molecular analyses of protein or nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) of cells cultured in VitroGel®?
- Do you have the SEM protocol for VitroGel®?
- Do you have suggestions for preventing hydrogel detaching during multiple washing process?
- Can VitroGel® hydrogel be fixed for sectioning for further staining and imaging?
- Is there anything I can do to reduce the background of the cell images stained with Cyto3D® Live-Dead Assay Kit?