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Can I dissociate hydrogel directly inside of well plate without removing it out for high-throughput application?

Gel dissociation directly in 96-well plate is possible:
Assuming 50 uL of gel in a well of a 96-well plate. Remove the cover medium, add 100 uL of pre-warm recovery solution (recommend MS04 organoid recovery solution for faster gel dissociation), mixing gel and solution by pipetting up and down for 5-10 times, add another 200 uL pre-warm cell recovery solution, mixing by pipetting up and down for 5-10 times. Keep the plate at 37°C for 5-10 mins (for strong gel, 15 min). If they have a plate shaker, use it during the 37°C incubation. Take the plate out and centrifuge the plate at room temperature.