Research trends in biomimetic medical materials for tissue engineering: commentary

Research trends in biomimetic medical materials for tissue engineering: commentary

Ki Dong ParkXiumei WangJae Young LeeKyung Min ParkShengMin Zhang, Insup Noh

Contributed equally
Biomaterials Research201620:8

DOI: 10.1186/s40824-016-0053-7        ©  Park et al. 2016

Received: 11 January 2016; Accepted: 24 February 2016; Published: 29 March 2016


We introduce our active experts’ communications and reviews (Part II) of 2015 Korea-China Joint Symposium on Biomimetic Medical Materials in Republic of Korea, which reflect their perspectives on current research trends of biomimetic medical materials for tissue regeneration in both Korea and China. The communications covered three topics of biomimetics, i.e., 1) hydrogel for therapeutics and extracellular matrix environments, 2) design of electrical polymers for communications between electrical sources and biological systems and 3) design of biomaterials for nerve tissue engineering. The reviews in the Part II will cover biomimetics of 3D bioprinting materials, surface modifications, nano/micro-technology as well as clinical aspects of biomaterials for cartilage.

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