VitroGel® STEM

ready-to-use, xeno-free (animal origin-free) hydrogel system for hPSCs 3D static suspension culture and scale-up

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VitroGel® STEM

Ready-to-use, xeno-free hydrogel to support both scale-up and 3D differentiation of hPSCs​

VitroGel® STEM is a xeno-free (animal origin-free) hydrogel system developed to support scale-up and 3D differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) to create a high-throughput system to model various tissue and disease states.

This hydrogel system is ready to use with an optimized formulation that fully supports the rapid expansion of high-quality 3D stem cell spheroids with pluripotent properties. hPSCs directly thawed from liquid nitrogen or passaged from 2D matrix-coated culture vessels can be immediately mixed with the hydrogel solution for static suspension cultures. Moreover, the optimization protocol is ideal for time-sensitive experiments, as it does not require excessive medium exchanges, which can ultimately save time and materials. This hydrogel system is compatible with most hPSC culture media and tissue culture vessels.  The 3D stem cell spheroids developed using this system can be used for further sub-cultures, patterned differentiation, organoid development, or re-establishing 2D culture morphologies.

“Just add cells” 5 min protocol. No matrix coating required.

VitroGel® STEM is ready-to-use. Just mix it with your hPSCs. No laborious matrix coating is required to maintain and expand your stem cells.


FormulationXeno-free, functional hydrogel
Use3D static suspension culture for hPSCs
OperationReady-to-use at room temperature
BiocompatibilityBiocompatible, safe for animal studies
InjectionInjectable hydrogel for in vivo studies and lab automation
Cell HarvestingVitroGel Organoid Recovery Solution
5-15 min cell recovery
StorageStore at 2-8°C. Ships at ambient temperature
Sizes10 mL and 2 mL
Number of Uses(10 mL) 90-180 mL suspension culture
(2 mL) 15-30 mL suspension culture

  Recommended Product

VitroGel® ORGANOID Discovery Kit

ready-to-use, xeno-free hydrogel system for organoid culture.

Protocols and Resources

Product Data Sheet

VitroGel® STEM

Natural ECM

Culture Method

3D Suspension

2D Matrix Coating




3D Spheroid Formation



3D Differentiation (directly)



Easy to scale-up



Preparation Time

< 10 mins

2 hours +

Cell viability after seeding



Cell Proliferation/b>



Easy Cell Harvesting



Easy Cell Quality for Differentiation



Easy for Sub-culture



Video Protocols

hPSC Suspension Culture with VitroGel® STEM

hPSC Spheroids Cell Harvesting cultured in VitroGel® STEM

3D Cell Culture
“Ready-To-Use” Hydrogels

2D Coating Culture
“Ready-To-Use” Hydrogels

Cell Recovery
from 3D & 2D

Injectable Hydrogel
VitroGel® System


Data and References

Figure 1. 3D static suspension culture of hPSC from 2D matrix culture
After 24 hours, small hPSC spheroids start to form. From day 1 to 6, cells in the suspension cultures quickly grow, leading to the generation of healthy and high-quality stem cell spheroids. After day 3, cell numbers grew exponentially (Figure 1B), and spheroid size steadily increases (Figure 1C). The hPSC spheroids display characteristics of shallow craters or pockmarks, indicating expression of hPSC markers and successful expansion of healthy and high-quality stem cell spheroids. The resulting spheroids provide researchers with large numbers of healthy hPSCs for further experiments.

Figure 2.  3D static suspension culture of hPSC directly from Liquid Nitrogen (LN2)
Start the suspension culture by using healthy and high-quality cells directly from LN2. hPSC-hydrogel aggregates successfully to form healthy spheroids after 1 day in culture. The hPSC spheroids continue to expand from day 1 to 6 (Figure 2A). The resulting hPSC spheroids also show hallmark features of healthy and high-quality stem cell spheroids, i.e., shallow craters or pockmarks. Figure 2B shows that hPSC static suspension cultures from liquid nitrogen are positive for Alkaline Phosphatase, indicating successful expansion of healthy stem cell populations.

Figure 3. Immunofluorescence images of hPSC spheroids with key pluripotent stem cell markers
VitroGel STEM ensures the undifferentiated state of stem cell lines during scale-up. As shown in Figure 3, hPSC aggregates in VitroGel STEM hydrogel and retain pluripotency after 7 days, evidenced by the expression of key pluripotent stem cell markers, SSEA4, OCT4, SOX2, and TRA-1-60.



2 mL, 10 mL